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Hi! My name is Stephanie and I am a twenty-something teacher living in Hawaii. I am in my 3rd year of teaching 4th grade and absolutely love it. I hope you enjoy my blog and look forward to spreading my classroom joys, experiences and knowledge. Aloha!

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Stevanie's Adventures...to Anna's Pond

No lie, we were driving back from our Waipio trip and talking about how much fun it was and that I wanted to do stuff like this every weekend. We decided that there is so much more to Hawaii than meets the eye. Sure, there is all the touristy things you could pay for, but let's be real, I do not want to buy into the tourist scene when I live here. So it's up to us to find our own adventure. Recently, Steve had seen one of his friend's post some pictures from a place called Anna's Pond. It looked amazing. Immediately, I opened up Instagram and searched for #annaspond. I had hundreds of hits, and each picture got me more excited to find this place. Now when I say find, I really do mean search very hard to find. There was a lot of searching and asking to figure out the location of this place. Took us some time, but we finally found it and let me say, it was worth every second we spent investigating.

The hike there took about 20 minutes. Mostly hiking through grassy pasture. We did have to climb down into a small river and then back up the almost vertical hill on the other side. Almost to our destination, we encountered the rope. We had to climb down this rope to get into Anna's Pond. 

After climbing down, we had to climb some rocks for about 5 minutes and then....we found it! We knew we were close because there was a family there before we got there, so the screaming children helped lead us there! Luckily, once we got there that family was only there for a few minutes and then we had the pond to ourselves, until the next group of guys got there. 
Off to the right of the pond, is a waterfall. Though it wasn't an intense waterfall, it was still so pretty. Along with the sight of a beautiful waterfall, is the sight of a rope swing calling our names. I want to start with letting you know that I am not the most daring person in the world. Also, water...scares me. Especially water that I cannot see through, unlike most water in Hawaii. But I knew that I had to do it, I had to test myself and prove that I was a little daredevil.

Steve jumped in first. Made me a little less nervous. 

 It took me about 4-5 minutes once I actually climbed up to jump, but I had a lot of verbal support from Steve. 

Overall, it was a great adventure. Our adventure made us hungry, so we stopped off at Big Island Brewhaus. Enjoyed some food and beer. Then headed over to Red Water Cafe for some drinks and the most amazing Mac Nut Pie I have ever had (even though it was only my first time having it). It was like heaven in my mouth. We both had a lot of fun and left Anna's Pond wondering what's on our list for next weekend. 

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